Nov 12 & 13 Rob Biernacki Back Control Seminar at Solarte BJJ

Back Control Seminar at Solarte BJJ

Rob Biernacki returns to teach a back control seminar at Solarte BJJ! I’m very excited to get the latest updates on this key skill set. I especially appreciate the fact that he’s always updating what’s considered “fundamental” instead of staying stuck on a set curriculum. Things do change after all. His seminars are always designed to help students actually improve a given skill. I’ve been to seminars where instructors show off a bunch of techniques that no one remembers. This is NOT that. Plus Rob is very generous with his time, answering questions and rolling with students. Don’t miss out on this chance to train with a truly great instructor!

Here are all the details. We welcome everyone—whether you’re new or have more experience. All affiliations are also welcome!

NOV 12 & 13 (SAT & SUN):
12:30pm Registration
1:00–2:30pm Seminar
2:30pm–? Rolling/Q&A

There will also be evaluations and striping after the seminar on Sunday.

COST: $25 per session or $45 for the whole weekend. Contact 360-808-3197 for more info.