A Family-Friendly Gym for BJJ Training!

Solarte BJJ is a family-friendly gym! Our classes for young children (Li’l Ones) and youth encourage parents and grandparents to get on the mats to help out. You don’t have to know jiu jitsu or be physically fit to be a positive influence for the children in class. Parents who are actively training jiu jitsu are welcome to bring their well-behaved children to sit matside. We have a comfy chair that kids love to sit on as they play games, do homework or watch class. Our morning classes are well-suited for parents who want time to train, but also need to be home for their families during the evenings.

Our Adult, Youth and Li’l Ones classes run all year long, even during the summer, winter and spring school breaks!

Family-Friendly Gym: Li’l Ones for Ages 4–8

During the Summer, our Li’l Ones classes are every Wednesday 3:30–4pm with 20 minutes of open play time afterwards. Parents/Guardians can work with their children which gives everyone a chance to learn. The open play time also gives kids (and parents) a chance to socialize and make new friends.

If a Li’l Ones student has younger siblings (younger than 4), those siblings are welcome to hang out matside to watch and participate FOR FREE as much or as little as they wish as long as they are closely supervised by a parent/guardian. We’ve had three-year-olds join in for the animal walks and open play—they love it!

Depending on the level of attention span and interest, some children as young as 7 are invited to the Youth Classes at the head instructor’s discretion.

Youth Classes for Ages 8–14

The youth classes are for children ages 8 through early teens though younger children are sometimes invited if they are very attentive and interested. Parents/guardian are also encouraged to hang out matside to watch or to get on the mats to help out. Adults who help do NOT need to know martial arts. You don’t even have to be especially fit. Often, it’s just good for the youth students to have adults around to help direct their attention. During the summer, youth classes are Tue/Thur 4:30–5:15pm with 15 minutes of open play time afterwards.

Family-Friendly Gym: Morning & Evening Classes for Adults

We’ve found that parents with older children tend to opt for evening classes and/or the Saturday 10:30am. Parents with younger children usually take our morning classes exclusively:

Mon/Thur 9–10am
Wed/Fri 5–6am

As mentioned before, well-behaved children/other family members are welcome to hang out in the comfy seating on the edges fo the mat. We’ve had moms knitting and kids quietly playing games while the rest of the family trains. It’s a great atmosphere for everyone!

To learn more about our family-friendly gym, click here!