Solarte BJJ welcomes the return of Rob Biernacki of Island Top Team to teach a Sequim, WA BJJ Seminar on April 26 and 27. The weekend seminar will feature concept-based BJJ instruction with a focus on sharpening up your no gi sweeping game. Students of all experience levels are welcome to train with a true innovator in concept-based Brazilian jiu-jitsu instruction!

Friday Evening
Registration 6pm
Seminar 6:30-8pm
Open Mat/Q&A with Rob 8pm-?
Saturday Afternoon
Registration 11:30am
Seminar Noon-1:30pm
Open Mat/Q&A with Rob 1:30pm-?
Cost: $25 per session or $40 for the whole weekend
We keep the ending time for the open mats a question mark since Rob is always very generous with his time. He is happy to roll with you and answer your questions, whether or not they’re related to the seminar topic. After all, he has created some of the best concept-based instructionals out there covering back control, guard concepts, top game, modern leglocks and more. Please feel free to pick his brain about all things jiu jitsu!
His honest assessments of even advanced students’ training and progress have proven to be game changers for people who are genuinely interested in getting better at jiu jitsu. We highly recommend that you ask him for an overall assessment of your game, especially if you feel you’ve hit a plateau and aren’t sure how to keep improving.
Click here to learn more about Rob Biernacki. Solarte BJJ’s head instructor, Jenn Lozada, also highly recommends that you check out information on Island Top Team’s incredible Visiting Student Program which provides FREE training and housing for a week at Rob’s internationally renown BJJ academy. Learn more at
Questions about this Sequim, WA BJJ seminar? Please contact Jenn at 360-808-3197 for more information or click here to use our Contact Form.